Nov 23

EDIT: Read bottom of post!

I have been toying around with GSM modems for some time – working on the Rotary Cellphone project, i settled on the SIM900-module from SIMCOM.

Milled SIM900-board

Early in my quest, i mistakenly read, that the SIM900 was Quad band, and the SIM900A was Dual band. As I decided that i did not need the Quad-band capability, i ordered the SIM900A-modem, as it was a few $ cheaper.

Ordering the first module from far east (AliExpress) my choice was the SIM900A model. I milled a breakout-board for the GSM-module, soldered it on, and everything “seemed” to work, but i could not register the modem on the Danish GSM-network. It acted like it was locked to a specific GSM-vendor.

The modem being brand new, ruled out the option that someone else had a go at it, so what was happening ?

I trawled the documentation at SIMCOM, and couldn’t readily find any information on what the differences between a SIM900 and a SIM900A-model were.

Some helpful people at the local Hackerspace mailing-list soon found the culprit (i guess their Google-fu was better than mine)

The SIM900A-model is locked to these regions:

  • China
  • India
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Cambodia
  • Vietnam
  • Laos
  • Burma
  • Brunei
  • Philippines
  • East Timor

Official documentation is mirrored here: SIM900A Supported MCC List V1.00

Why SIMCOM makes this module, locked to specific regions, i do not know, if you have any idea why, please leave a comment.

User [] had luck upgrading the Firmware on his module – you can read about his findings here – i have not tested the firmware file, as i destroyed my 900A-model in frustration and anger.